The Power of Question Translation Training in Multilingual Reasoning: Broadened Scope and Deepened Insights






Published 5/3/2024 by Wenhao Zhu, Shujian Huang, Fei Yuan, Cheng Chen, Jiajun Chen, Alexandra Birch
The Power of Question Translation Training in Multilingual Reasoning: Broadened Scope and Deepened Insights


Bridging the significant gap between large language model's English and non-English performance presents a great challenge. While some previous studies attempt to mitigate this gap with translated training data, the recently proposed question alignment approach leverages the model's English expertise to improve multilingual performance with minimum usage of expensive, error-prone translation. In this paper, we explore how broadly this method can be applied by examining its effects in reasoning with executable code and reasoning with common sense. We also explore how to apply this approach efficiently to extremely large language models using proxy-tuning. Experiment results on multilingual reasoning benchmarks mGSM, mSVAMP and xCSQA demonstrate that the question alignment approach can be used to boost multilingual performance across diverse reasoning scenarios, model families, and sizes. For instance, when applied to the LLaMA2 models, our method brings an average accuracy improvements of 12.2% on mGSM even with the 70B model. To understand the mechanism of its success, we analyze representation space, chain-of-thought and translation data scales, which reveals how question translation training strengthens language alignment within LLMs and shapes their working patterns.

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  • This paper explores the use of question translation training to improve multilingual reasoning capabilities in large language models.
  • The researchers investigate how question translation training can broaden the scope and deepen the insights of multilingual reasoning, going beyond prior work on cross-lingual transfer.
  • The paper presents experiments and analyses that demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach in enhancing the multilingual capabilities of language models.

Plain English Explanation

The paper focuses on a technique called "question translation training" to help language models better understand and reason about questions in multiple languages. This builds on previous work on cross-lingual transfer, where models were trained to answer questions in one language using training data from another language.

The key idea here is that by training the model to translate questions from one language to another, it can learn to better comprehend the meaning and intent behind those questions, even in languages it wasn't directly trained on. This multilingual alignment allows the model to reason more effectively across languages.

The researchers conduct experiments to show how this question translation training expands the model's capabilities, allowing it to tackle a broader range of multilingual tasks and gain deeper insights. For example, they find that a model trained this way can outperform larger language models on certain multilingual reasoning benchmarks.

The paper also explores ways to elicit strong translation abilities in large language models through this training approach. Overall, the findings suggest that question translation is a powerful technique for improving multilingual pretraining and instruction tuning to enhance cross-lingual understanding and reasoning.

Technical Explanation

The researchers propose a novel training approach called "question translation training" to improve the multilingual reasoning capabilities of large language models. This builds on prior work on cross-lingual transfer, where models were trained to answer questions in one language using training data from another language.

The key innovation here is training the model to translate questions from one language to another. This "multilingual alignment" allows the model to better comprehend the meaning and intent behind questions, even in languages it wasn't directly trained on. The researchers hypothesize that this can expand the model's capabilities, enabling it to tackle a broader range of multilingual tasks and gain deeper insights.

To test this, the researchers conduct a series of experiments comparing models trained with and without question translation. Their results show that the question translation approach leads to significant performance gains on multilingual reasoning benchmarks. Interestingly, they find that a model trained this way can even outperform larger language models that were not exposed to this training.

The paper also explores techniques for eliciting strong translation abilities in large language models through the question translation training. The researchers analyze the model's internal representations and decision-making processes to gain insights into how this training shapes its multilingual understanding.

Overall, the findings suggest that question translation training is a powerful technique for improving multilingual pretraining and instruction tuning to enhance cross-lingual understanding and reasoning capabilities in large language models.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-designed and thorough investigation into the benefits of question translation training for multilingual reasoning. The experimental results are compelling and the analysis provides valuable insights into the underlying mechanisms at play.

One potential limitation is the reliance on a relatively small set of benchmark datasets, which may not fully capture the breadth of real-world multilingual language understanding challenges. It would be interesting to see how the approach fares on a more diverse range of tasks and domains.

Additionally, the paper does not delve deeply into the potential biases or limitations introduced by the question translation training process. It would be important to further explore how this training may amplify or introduce biases, and how to mitigate such issues.

Another area for further research could be investigating the transferability of the question translation training to other language models and architectures. Exploring the generalizability of this approach would strengthen the broader applicability of the findings.

Overall, this paper makes a valuable contribution to the field of multilingual language understanding and reasoning, and the authors' thoughtful analysis and experimental design set a strong foundation for future work in this area.


This paper presents a novel approach called "question translation training" that significantly improves the multilingual reasoning capabilities of large language models. By training models to translate questions from one language to another, the researchers demonstrate that this technique can broaden the scope and deepen the insights of multilingual understanding.

The findings suggest that question translation training is a powerful tool for enhancing cross-lingual transfer and alignment, allowing language models to better comprehend the meaning and intent behind questions across multiple languages. This has important implications for a wide range of applications, from multilingual chatbots to cross-lingual information retrieval.

The paper's thorough experimental evaluation and insightful analysis provide a solid foundation for further research in this area. Exploring the generalizability of this approach, addressing potential biases, and expanding the scope of evaluation tasks are all important next steps to build on the contributions of this work.

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