Reinforcement Learning with Lookahead Information






Published 6/5/2024 by Nadav Merlis



We study reinforcement learning (RL) problems in which agents observe the reward or transition realizations at their current state before deciding which action to take. Such observations are available in many applications, including transactions, navigation and more. When the environment is known, previous work shows that this lookahead information can drastically increase the collected reward. However, outside of specific applications, existing approaches for interacting with unknown environments are not well-adapted to these observations. In this work, we close this gap and design provably-efficient learning algorithms able to incorporate lookahead information. To achieve this, we perform planning using the empirical distribution of the reward and transition observations, in contrast to vanilla approaches that only rely on estimated expectations. We prove that our algorithms achieve tight regret versus a baseline that also has access to lookahead information - linearly increasing the amount of collected reward compared to agents that cannot handle lookahead information.

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  • This paper explores reinforcement learning (RL) problems where agents can observe the reward or transition realizations at their current state before deciding on an action.
  • This type of "lookahead" information is available in many real-world applications, such as transactions, navigation, and more.
  • Previous work has shown that when the environment is known, this lookahead information can significantly increase the collected reward.
  • However, existing approaches for interacting with unknown environments are not well-suited to handle this type of information.
  • This paper aims to close this gap by designing provably-efficient learning algorithms that can incorporate lookahead information.

Plain English Explanation

In this paper, the researchers explore a type of reinforcement learning problem where the agent (the decision-making system) can observe some additional information before deciding on its next action. This additional information could be, for example, the reward the agent would receive or how the environment would change if the agent took a certain action.

The researchers explain that this kind of "lookahead" information is available in many real-world situations, such as when making financial transactions or navigating through an environment. Previous research has shown that if the agent already knows how the environment works, this lookahead information can greatly improve the agent's performance and the overall rewards it collects.

However, the researchers note that existing approaches for agents learning in unknown environments do not handle this lookahead information very well. To address this, the researchers have developed new learning algorithms that can effectively use the lookahead information, even when the environment is not fully known.

By incorporating the empirical distribution of the observed reward and transition information, rather than just relying on estimated averages, these new algorithms can achieve strong performance guarantees. Specifically, the researchers show that their algorithms can collect significantly more reward over time compared to agents that cannot use the lookahead information.

Technical Explanation

The core of this paper is the design and analysis of new reinforcement learning algorithms that can effectively utilize lookahead information about rewards and state transitions. This lookahead information is available in many real-world RL problems, such as transactions, navigation, and others.

Previous work has shown that when the environment model is known, having access to this lookahead information can drastically increase the collected reward. However, outside of specific applications, existing RL approaches are not well-adapted to leverage this additional information in unknown environments.

To address this gap, the researchers propose new algorithms that perform planning using the empirical distribution of the observed reward and transition information, rather than just relying on estimated expectations as in standard RL. This allows the agent to better capture the underlying dynamics and make more informed decisions.

The researchers provide a regret analysis, showing that their algorithms achieve tight bounds compared to a baseline that also has access to the lookahead information. This means the new algorithms are able to linearly increase the amount of reward collected over time, compared to agents that cannot handle the lookahead data.

The key technical contributions include:

  • Designing RL algorithms that can effectively utilize lookahead information about rewards and state transitions
  • Analyzing the regret of these algorithms compared to a strong baseline that also has access to the lookahead data
  • Proving that the new algorithms can significantly outperform standard RL approaches that do not leverage the additional information

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a thoughtful approach to incorporating lookahead information into reinforcement learning algorithms for unknown environments. The theoretical guarantees and performance improvements demonstrated are compelling.

However, one potential limitation is the reliance on certain assumptions, such as the reward and transition observations being independent and identically distributed. Real-world environments may exhibit more complex dependencies and non-stationarities that are not fully captured by the proposed framework.

Additionally, the paper focuses on regret bounds as the primary performance metric. While this is a common approach in theoretical RL research, it may not always align perfectly with practical objectives. Exploring other evaluation metrics, such as sample efficiency or safety constraints, could provide additional insights.

Further research could also investigate the robustness of these algorithms to model misspecification, outliers in the observed data, or other practical challenges that may arise in diverse application domains. Bridging the gap between the theoretical guarantees and real-world performance remains an important area for continued study.

Overall, this work represents a valuable contribution to the understanding of how lookahead information can be effectively leveraged in reinforcement learning, with potential implications for numerous applications. The authors have laid a strong foundation for further exploration in this direction.


This paper addresses an important gap in reinforcement learning research by designing new algorithms that can effectively utilize lookahead information about rewards and state transitions, even in unknown environments.

The key innovation is the use of the empirical distribution of the observed data, rather than just relying on estimated expectations, to perform more informed planning and decision-making. This allows the agents to significantly outperform standard RL approaches in terms of the overall reward collected over time.

The theoretical guarantees and performance improvements demonstrated in this work have the potential to impact a wide range of real-world applications where lookahead information is available, such as financial transactions, navigation, and beyond. Further research to address practical challenges and broaden the applicability of these techniques could lead to exciting advancements in the field of reinforcement learning.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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