Safe Reinforcement Learning with Free-form Natural Language Constraints and Pre-Trained Language Models






Published 5/16/2024 by Xingzhou Lou, Junge Zhang, Ziyan Wang, Kaiqi Huang, Yali Du
Safe Reinforcement Learning with Free-form Natural Language Constraints and Pre-Trained Language Models


Safe reinforcement learning (RL) agents accomplish given tasks while adhering to specific constraints. Employing constraints expressed via easily-understandable human language offers considerable potential for real-world applications due to its accessibility and non-reliance on domain expertise. Previous safe RL methods with natural language constraints typically adopt a recurrent neural network, which leads to limited capabilities when dealing with various forms of human language input. Furthermore, these methods often require a ground-truth cost function, necessitating domain expertise for the conversion of language constraints into a well-defined cost function that determines constraint violation. To address these issues, we proposes to use pre-trained language models (LM) to facilitate RL agents' comprehension of natural language constraints and allow them to infer costs for safe policy learning. Through the use of pre-trained LMs and the elimination of the need for a ground-truth cost, our method enhances safe policy learning under a diverse set of human-derived free-form natural language constraints. Experiments on grid-world navigation and robot control show that the proposed method can achieve strong performance while adhering to given constraints. The usage of pre-trained LMs allows our method to comprehend complicated constraints and learn safe policies without the need for ground-truth cost at any stage of training or evaluation. Extensive ablation studies are conducted to demonstrate the efficacy of each part of our method.

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The paper "Safe Reinforcement Learning with Free-form Natural Language Constraints and Pre-Trained Language Models" explores a novel approach to reinforcement learning (RL) that incorporates natural language constraints to ensure safer and more controlled agent behavior. The key ideas involve using pre-trained language models to interpret and enforce free-form natural language rules provided by users.

Related Work

Safe Reinforcement Learning

The paper builds on prior work in safe reinforcement learning, which aims to develop RL agents that can operate reliably and avoid undesirable or unsafe actions. By incorporating natural language constraints, this research seeks to make RL systems more interpretable and aligned with human values.

Language Models as Generalizable Policies

The use of large pre-trained language models to interpret and enforce natural language constraints is an innovative approach. These powerful language models can potentially serve as a flexible interface between humans and RL agents.

Instructable Reward Models

The natural language constraints can be seen as a form of instructable reward model, where humans can directly convey their preferences to the agent rather than relying solely on reward functions.

Natural Language as Policies

The paper also builds on research into using natural language as a way to represent and reason about policies, further blurring the line between human-understandable instructions and machine-executable behaviors.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a framework for incorporating free-form natural language constraints into RL agents using pre-trained language models. The key components include:

  1. Constraint Encoder: A pre-trained language model that can interpret and encode natural language constraints into a latent representation.
  2. Constraint Projection: A mechanism to project the agent's current state and action into the space of satisfiable constraints, ensuring the agent's behavior aligns with the provided rules.
  3. Constrained Policy Optimization: An RL algorithm that optimizes the agent's policy while respecting the natural language constraints.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on a range of simulated environments, showing that the agents can learn to follow complex natural language rules while still achieving high rewards.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents an intriguing approach to making RL systems more interpretable and aligned with human values. By leveraging pre-trained language models, the framework allows users to specify constraints in natural language, rather than relying on rigid, predefined rules.

However, the paper also acknowledges several limitations and areas for further research. For example, the current approach assumes the natural language constraints are unambiguous and consistent, which may not always be the case in real-world scenarios. Extending the framework to handle ambiguity or conflicting constraints could be an important direction for future work.

Additionally, the paper focuses on simulated environments, and it remains to be seen how well the approach would scale to more complex, real-world tasks. Evaluating the robustness and generalization of the natural language constraints in diverse, high-stakes domains would be a valuable next step.


This paper offers a promising step towards integrating natural language constraints into reinforcement learning, potentially making these systems more interpretable, controllable, and aligned with human values. By leveraging the expressive power of pre-trained language models, the framework provides a flexible way for users to specify their preferences and ensure agents behave accordingly.

As the field of AI continues to advance, incorporating human-understandable instructions and constraints will be crucial for building safe and trustworthy autonomous systems. This research contributes to that important goal and opens up exciting avenues for further exploration in the intersection of language, reasoning, and reinforcement learning.

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