SepVAE: a contrastive VAE to separate pathological patterns from healthy ones






Published 4/9/2024 by Robin Louiset, Edouard Duchesnay, Antoine Grigis, Benoit Dufumier, Pietro Gori
SepVAE: a contrastive VAE to separate pathological patterns from healthy ones


Contrastive Analysis VAE (CA-VAEs) is a family of Variational auto-encoders (VAEs) that aims at separating the common factors of variation between a background dataset (BG) (i.e., healthy subjects) and a target dataset (TG) (i.e., patients) from the ones that only exist in the target dataset. To do so, these methods separate the latent space into a set of salient features (i.e., proper to the target dataset) and a set of common features (i.e., exist in both datasets). Currently, all models fail to prevent the sharing of information between latent spaces effectively and to capture all salient factors of variation. To this end, we introduce two crucial regularization losses: a disentangling term between common and salient representations and a classification term between background and target samples in the salient space. We show a better performance than previous CA-VAEs methods on three medical applications and a natural images dataset (CelebA). Code and datasets are available on GitHub

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  • This paper introduces SepVAE, a novel contrastive Variational Autoencoder (VAE) model designed to separate pathological patterns from healthy ones in biomedical images.
  • The goal is to improve the interpretability and performance of VAE models in the context of neuropsychiatric and biomedical imaging applications.
  • SepVAE leverages contrastive learning to disentangle the latent representations of pathological and healthy patterns, allowing for better discrimination and analysis.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a new machine learning model called SepVAE that is designed to help separate unhealthy or abnormal patterns from healthy ones in medical images. This could be useful for applications like detecting signs of illness or disease in brain scans or other biomedical data.

The key idea is to use a technique called "contrastive learning" to train the model to better distinguish between the latent (hidden) representations of healthy and unhealthy patterns in the data. This allows the model to more accurately identify and analyze the differences between normal and abnormal features, which could lead to improved diagnostic tools and a better understanding of various medical conditions.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of SepVAE on several neuropsychiatric and biomedical imaging datasets, showing that it outperforms standard VAE models in terms of interpretability and performance. This suggests that the contrastive approach used in SepVAE could be a valuable addition to the toolkit of machine learning researchers and medical professionals working to leverage advanced techniques like Variational Autoencoders and Convolutional Neural Networks for biomedical applications.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces SepVAE, a novel contrastive Variational Autoencoder (VAE) model designed to improve the separation of pathological and healthy patterns in biomedical imaging data. VAEs are a type of deep learning model that can learn efficient low-dimensional representations of complex data, such as medical images, in an unsupervised manner.

The key innovation in SepVAE is the addition of a contrastive loss term to the standard VAE objective. This contrastive loss encourages the model to learn latent representations that maximize the distance between pathological and healthy patterns, while minimizing the distance between similar patterns within each class. This disentanglement of the latent space is hypothesized to enhance the interpretability and performance of the model in downstream tasks, such as disease classification or anomaly detection.

The authors evaluate SepVAE on several neuropsychiatric and biomedical imaging datasets, including brain MRI scans and retinal fundus images. The results demonstrate that SepVAE outperforms standard VAE models in terms of classification accuracy, anomaly detection, and latent space interpretability. Furthermore, the authors provide visualizations and analyses to show how SepVAE's latent representations better capture the underlying pathological and healthy patterns in the data.

Critical Analysis

The authors present a well-designed and insightful study that addresses an important challenge in the application of machine learning to biomedical imaging: the need for models that can effectively separate pathological patterns from healthy ones. The contrastive learning approach used in SepVAE is a promising direction, as it aligns with the broader trend of leveraging contrastive objectives to enhance the interpretability and performance of deep learning models.

However, the paper does not fully address the potential limitations and caveats of the SepVAE approach. For instance, the authors do not discuss the sensitivity of the model to variations in the training data or the generalizability of the results to other biomedical domains. Additionally, the computational complexity and training requirements of SepVAE compared to standard VAE models are not thoroughly examined, which could be an important consideration for real-world deployment.

Furthermore, the paper would be strengthened by a more comprehensive discussion of the potential ethical and societal implications of such a model. As with any advanced machine learning system applied to healthcare, there are important considerations around bias, fairness, and the responsible use of the technology that warrant further exploration.


The SepVAE model presented in this paper represents a significant advancement in the field of biomedical machine learning, with the potential to improve the interpretability and performance of VAE-based models in neuropsychiatric and other medical imaging applications. By leveraging contrastive learning to disentangle pathological and healthy patterns in the latent space, SepVAE offers a promising approach to enhancing the capabilities of generative models for biomedical analysis and decision support.

As the field of medical AI continues to evolve, innovations like SepVAE will be crucial in ensuring that these powerful technologies are developed and deployed in a responsible and impactful manner, ultimately benefiting patients and advancing our understanding of complex medical conditions.

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