Simple Linguistic Inferences of Large Language Models (LLMs): Blind Spots and Blinds






Published 4/12/2024 by Victoria Basmov, Yoav Goldberg, Reut Tsarfaty



We evaluate LLMs' language understanding capacities on simple inference tasks that most humans find trivial. Specifically, we target (i) grammatically-specified entailments, (ii) premises with evidential adverbs of uncertainty, and (iii) monotonicity entailments. We design evaluation sets for these tasks and conduct experiments in both zero-shot and chain-of-thought setups, and with multiple prompts and LLMs. The models exhibit moderate to low performance on these evaluation sets. Subsequent experiments show that embedding the premise in syntactic constructions that should preserve the entailment relations (presupposition triggers) or change them (non-factives), further confuses the models, causing them to either under-predict or over-predict certain entailment labels regardless of the true relation, and often disregarding the nature of the embedding context. Overall these results suggest that, despite LLMs' celebrated language understanding capacity, even the strongest models have blindspots with respect to certain types of entailments, and certain information-packaging structures act as ``blinds'' overshadowing the semantics of the embedded premise.

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  • This paper evaluates the language understanding capabilities of large language models (LLMs) on simple inference tasks that most humans find easy.
  • The researchers specifically target three types of inferences: grammatically-specified entailments, premises with evidential adverbs of uncertainty, and monotonicity entailments.
  • They design evaluation sets for these tasks and conduct experiments in both zero-shot and chain-of-thought setups, using multiple prompts and LLMs.
  • The results show that the models exhibit moderate to low performance on these evaluation sets, and that certain syntactic constructions, such as presupposition triggers and non-factives, further confuse the models.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers wanted to test how well large language models (LLMs) can understand and reason about simple language concepts that most people find easy. They focused on three specific types of language inferences:

  1. Grammatically-specified entailments: These are logical relationships between sentences that are clearly defined by the grammar of the language. For example, "The cat is on the mat" entails (or implies) "The cat is on something."

  2. Premises with evidential adverbs of uncertainty: These are sentences that contain words like "maybe" or "possibly," which indicate the speaker is not completely certain about the information.

  3. Monotonicity entailments: These are logical relationships where the truth of a statement is maintained or reversed when certain words are added or removed.

The researchers designed test sets to evaluate how well LLMs could handle these types of inferences. They tried different setups, including having the models reason through the inferences step-by-step, and using various prompts and LLM models.

Overall, the LLMs performed moderately to poorly on these tasks. The researchers also found that certain ways of structuring the sentences, like using "presupposition triggers" or "non-factives," further confused the models, causing them to make mistakes in predicting the logical relationships, even when the underlying meaning should have been clear.

Technical Explanation

The paper investigates the language understanding capabilities of large language models (LLMs) on three types of simple inference tasks:

  1. Grammatically-specified entailments: The researchers test the models' ability to recognize logical entailment relationships that are specified by the grammatical structure of the sentences, such as the relationship between "The cat is on the mat" and "The cat is on something."

  2. Premises with evidential adverbs of uncertainty: The researchers evaluate how well the models handle premises containing words like "maybe" or "possibly," which indicate uncertainty about the information.

  3. Monotonicity entailments: The researchers test the models' understanding of logical relationships that are maintained or reversed when certain words are added or removed from the sentences.

The researchers design evaluation sets for these tasks and conduct experiments in both zero-shot and chain-of-thought setups, using multiple prompts and LLMs, including GPT-3, Chinchilla, and others.

The results show that the models exhibit moderate to low performance on these evaluation sets, suggesting that even the strongest LLMs have blindspots when it comes to certain types of entailments. Furthermore, the researchers find that embedding the premises in syntactic constructions that should preserve the entailment relations (presupposition triggers) or change them (non-factives) further confuses the models, causing them to either under-predict or over-predict certain entailment labels, often disregarding the nature of the embedding context.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides valuable insights into the limitations of current LLMs when it comes to basic language understanding and reasoning tasks. While LLMs have demonstrated impressive language capabilities, the results of this study suggest that they still struggle with certain types of logical inferences and are susceptible to being misled by specific syntactic constructions.

One potential limitation of the study is the relatively small scale of the evaluation sets. While the researchers designed the tasks to target specific linguistic phenomena, a larger and more diverse set of examples may be needed to fully capture the models' weaknesses. Additionally, the study focuses on a limited set of LLMs, and it would be interesting to see how a wider range of models, including newer and more advanced architectures, perform on these tasks.

Another area for further research could be investigating the underlying reasons why the models struggle with these types of inferences. Are the issues related to limitations in the models' knowledge representation, reasoning capabilities, or something else? Exploring these questions could lead to important insights for improving the language understanding abilities of LLMs.

Despite these potential limitations, the paper makes a valuable contribution to the ongoing efforts to understand the strengths and weaknesses of large language models. By identifying specific areas where these models fall short, the research can help guide the development of more robust and reliable natural language processing systems.


This paper highlights the limitations of current large language models (LLMs) when it comes to simple language understanding and reasoning tasks. The researchers find that even the strongest LLMs exhibit moderate to low performance on three types of inference tasks: grammatically-specified entailments, premises with evidential adverbs of uncertainty, and monotonicity entailments.

Furthermore, the researchers show that certain syntactic constructions, such as presupposition triggers and non-factives, can further confuse the models, causing them to make systematic errors in predicting the logical relationships, even when the underlying meaning should be clear.

These findings suggest that while LLMs have made remarkable progress in natural language processing, they still have significant blindspots when it comes to fundamental language understanding and reasoning. Addressing these limitations will be an important challenge for the field as it works to develop more robust and reliable language models that can truly match human-level language abilities.

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