TinyVQA: Compact Multimodal Deep Neural Network for Visual Question Answering on Resource-Constrained Devices






Published 4/5/2024 by Hasib-Al Rashid, Argho Sarkar, Aryya Gangopadhyay, Maryam Rahnemoonfar, Tinoosh Mohsenin
TinyVQA: Compact Multimodal Deep Neural Network for Visual Question Answering on Resource-Constrained Devices


Traditional machine learning models often require powerful hardware, making them unsuitable for deployment on resource-limited devices. Tiny Machine Learning (tinyML) has emerged as a promising approach for running machine learning models on these devices, but integrating multiple data modalities into tinyML models still remains a challenge due to increased complexity, latency, and power consumption. This paper proposes TinyVQA, a novel multimodal deep neural network for visual question answering tasks that can be deployed on resource-constrained tinyML hardware. TinyVQA leverages a supervised attention-based model to learn how to answer questions about images using both vision and language modalities. Distilled knowledge from the supervised attention-based VQA model trains the memory aware compact TinyVQA model and low bit-width quantization technique is employed to further compress the model for deployment on tinyML devices. The TinyVQA model was evaluated on the FloodNet dataset, which is used for post-disaster damage assessment. The compact model achieved an accuracy of 79.5%, demonstrating the effectiveness of TinyVQA for real-world applications. Additionally, the model was deployed on a Crazyflie 2.0 drone, equipped with an AI deck and GAP8 microprocessor. The TinyVQA model achieved low latencies of 56 ms and consumes 693 mW power while deployed on the tiny drone, showcasing its suitability for resource-constrained embedded systems.

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  • Proposes a compact multimodal deep neural network called TinyVQA for visual question answering on resource-constrained hardware
  • Focuses on developing a lightweight model that can run efficiently on devices with limited memory and computational power
  • Demonstrates the model's performance on the VQAv2 dataset and its ability to run on the Gap8 low-power processor

Plain English Explanation

TinyVQA: Compact Multimodal Deep Neural Network for Visual Question Answering on Resource-Constrained Hardware is a research paper that presents a new deep learning model for answering questions about images. The key innovation is that the model is designed to be very compact and efficient, so it can run on devices with limited memory and processing power, like low-cost smartphones or embedded systems.

The researchers recognized that many existing visual question answering (VQA) models are too large and complex to be used on resource-constrained hardware. So they set out to create a more lightweight model, called TinyVQA, that could still perform well on VQA tasks. The model uses a combination of techniques, like quantizing the model parameters and minimizing the network architecture, to reduce the overall size and computational requirements.

The researchers tested TinyVQA on the popular VQAv2 dataset and found that it achieves competitive performance compared to larger, more complex models. They also demonstrated that the model can run efficiently on the Gap8 low-power processor, which has very limited memory and processing capabilities.

Technical Explanation

TinyVQA: Compact Multimodal Deep Neural Network for Visual Question Answering on Resource-Constrained Hardware presents a novel deep learning architecture for visual question answering (VQA) that is designed to be highly compact and efficient, allowing it to run on resource-constrained hardware.

The key components of the TinyVQA model include:

  1. Multimodal Encoding: The model takes in both an image and a question as input and uses a series of convolutional and recurrent layers to encode the visual and textual information, respectively.
  2. Multimodal Fusion: The encoded visual and textual features are then fused using a compact multimodal fusion module, which combines the information from both modalities.
  3. Lightweight Classification Head: The fused features are passed through a lightweight classification head to predict the answer to the question.

To achieve the desired level of compactness and efficiency, the researchers employed several optimization techniques, including:

The researchers evaluated the performance of TinyVQA on the VQAv2 dataset and demonstrated that it achieves competitive results compared to larger, more complex VQA models. They also showed that the model can be efficiently deployed on the Gap8 low-power processor, which has very limited memory and computational resources.

Critical Analysis

The researchers have made a significant contribution by developing a compact and efficient multimodal deep neural network for visual question answering. The focus on resource-constrained hardware is particularly important, as it opens up the possibility of deploying VQA systems on a wider range of devices, including low-cost smartphones and embedded systems.

However, the paper does not address some potential limitations of the TinyVQA model. For example, it would be interesting to see how the model's performance compares to larger, more complex VQA models on more challenging datasets or in real-world applications. Additionally, the paper does not discuss the model's robustness to noisy or adversarial inputs, which is an important consideration for real-world deployments.

Furthermore, the researchers could have provided more details on the specific architectural choices and optimization techniques used to achieve the desired level of compactness and efficiency. This information would be valuable for researchers and engineers looking to develop similar lightweight models for other multimodal tasks.

Overall, the TinyVQA model represents an exciting step forward in the development of efficient and deployable multimodal deep learning systems. However, there is still room for further research and development to address the potential limitations and expand the capabilities of these types of models.


TinyVQA: Compact Multimodal Deep Neural Network for Visual Question Answering on Resource-Constrained Hardware presents a novel deep learning architecture for visual question answering that is designed to be highly compact and efficient, enabling it to run on resource-constrained hardware. The key innovations include the use of multimodal encoding and fusion techniques, along with various optimization methods such as quantization and architectural design choices.

The researchers have demonstrated that the TinyVQA model can achieve competitive performance on the VQAv2 dataset while running efficiently on the Gap8 low-power processor, which has very limited memory and computational resources. This work has significant implications for the deployment of VQA systems on a wide range of devices, from low-cost smartphones to embedded systems, opening up new possibilities for real-world applications of multimodal deep learning.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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