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ORacle: Large Vision-Language Models for Knowledge-Guided Holistic OR Domain Modeling






Published 4/11/2024 by Ege Ozsoy, Chantal Pellegrini, Matthias Keicher, Nassir Navab
ORacle: Large Vision-Language Models for Knowledge-Guided Holistic OR Domain Modeling


Every day, countless surgeries are performed worldwide, each within the distinct settings of operating rooms (ORs) that vary not only in their setups but also in the personnel, tools, and equipment used. This inherent diversity poses a substantial challenge for achieving a holistic understanding of the OR, as it requires models to generalize beyond their initial training datasets. To reduce this gap, we introduce ORacle, an advanced vision-language model designed for holistic OR domain modeling, which incorporates multi-view and temporal capabilities and can leverage external knowledge during inference, enabling it to adapt to previously unseen surgical scenarios. This capability is further enhanced by our novel data augmentation framework, which significantly diversifies the training dataset, ensuring ORacle's proficiency in applying the provided knowledge effectively. In rigorous testing, in scene graph generation, and downstream tasks on the 4D-OR dataset, ORacle not only demonstrates state-of-the-art performance but does so requiring less data than existing models. Furthermore, its adaptability is displayed through its ability to interpret unseen views, actions, and appearances of tools and equipment. This demonstrates ORacle's potential to significantly enhance the scalability and affordability of OR domain modeling and opens a pathway for future advancements in surgical data science. We will release our code and data upon acceptance.

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  • This paper introduces a new approach called "ORacle" that uses large vision-language models to enable holistic modeling of the Operating Room (OR) domain.
  • The method combines visual and textual information to build a semantic scene graph that captures the complex relationships and interactions within the OR environment.
  • The authors demonstrate the potential of this approach for tasks like surgical data science and knowledge-guided decision support.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a new way to model the complex world of the Operating Room (OR) using advanced artificial intelligence (AI) techniques. The researchers developed a system called "ORacle" that can take in visual information, like camera footage, and textual information, like medical reports, and use that to build a detailed understanding of everything that's going on in the OR.

This "semantic scene graph" captures all the different objects, people, and activities in the OR, as well as how they're related to each other. For example, it can identify the surgeon, the patient, the medical instruments, and understand how they're all interacting during a procedure.

The key innovation here is using large, powerful AI language and vision models that have been trained on huge amounts of data. This allows the system to understand the OR environment in a very holistic and nuanced way, going beyond just recognizing individual elements.

The authors suggest this could be really useful for things like improving surgical data analysis and developing decision support tools that can help medical teams make better choices during operations. By having this detailed, AI-powered understanding of the OR, it opens up new possibilities for enhancing medical care and research.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a new approach called "ORacle" that leverages large pre-trained vision-language models to enable holistic modeling of the Operating Room (OR) domain. The key innovation is the use of these powerful cross-modal AI models to fuse visual and textual information and construct a comprehensive semantic scene graph representation of the OR environment.

The ORacle framework first extracts visual features from camera footage using a vision model, and semantic concepts from medical reports using a language model. It then integrates this multi-modal information to build a holistic graph-based understanding of the OR, capturing the objects, people, activities and their relationships.

The authors demonstrate the potential of this approach for tasks like surgical data science and knowledge-guided decision support. By having this rich, AI-powered model of the OR, it opens up new possibilities for enhancing medical care and research through more sophisticated data analysis and intelligent systems.

Critical Analysis

The ORacle approach represents an exciting step forward in using advanced AI techniques to better understand complex medical environments like the Operating Room. The authors make a compelling case for the value of this holistic, multi-modal modeling approach, and provide evidence of its potential applications.

However, the paper does not address some important limitations and caveats. For example, the reliance on large pre-trained models means the system's performance is heavily dependent on the breadth and quality of the training data. There may be challenges in adapting it to niche medical settings or capturing nuanced domain knowledge.

Additionally, the ethical implications of such a powerful AI system monitoring sensitive medical procedures are not discussed. Issues around privacy, data governance, and potential biases in the underlying models would need to be carefully considered.

Further research is also needed to fully validate the ORacle approach, assess its real-world feasibility, and explore ways to make it more robust, adaptable and transparent. Nonetheless, this work represents an important step forward in the application of advanced AI to enhance healthcare.


The ORacle framework introduced in this paper demonstrates the potential of using large vision-language models to enable a holistic, knowledge-guided understanding of complex medical environments like the Operating Room. By fusing visual and textual information into a comprehensive semantic scene graph, the system offers new possibilities for improved surgical data analysis and intelligent decision support tools.

While the approach has some limitations and ethical considerations that require further exploration, this research represents an exciting advancement in the field of AI-powered healthcare applications. As these technologies continue to evolve, they may unlock transformative capabilities for enhancing medical care, training, and research in the years to come.

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