VISLA Benchmark: Evaluating Embedding Sensitivity to Semantic and Lexical Alterations






Published 4/26/2024 by Sri Harsha Dumpala, Aman Jaiswal, Chandramouli Sastry, Evangelos Milios, Sageev Oore, Hassan Sajjad



Despite their remarkable successes, state-of-the-art language models face challenges in grasping certain important semantic details. This paper introduces the VISLA (Variance and Invariance to Semantic and Lexical Alterations) benchmark, designed to evaluate the semantic and lexical understanding of language models. VISLA presents a 3-way semantic (in)equivalence task with a triplet of sentences associated with an image, to evaluate both vision-language models (VLMs) and unimodal language models (ULMs). An evaluation involving 34 VLMs and 20 ULMs reveals surprising difficulties in distinguishing between lexical and semantic variations. Spatial semantics encoded by language models also appear to be highly sensitive to lexical information. Notably, text encoders of VLMs demonstrate greater sensitivity to semantic and lexical variations than unimodal text encoders. Our contributions include the unification of image-to-text and text-to-text retrieval tasks, an off-the-shelf evaluation without fine-tuning, and assessing LMs' semantic (in)variance in the presence of lexical alterations. The results highlight strengths and weaknesses across diverse vision and unimodal language models, contributing to a deeper understanding of their capabilities. % VISLA enables a rigorous evaluation, shedding light on language models' capabilities in handling semantic and lexical nuances. Data and code will be made available at

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  • This paper introduces a new benchmark called VISLA (Variance and Invariance to Semantic and Lexical Alterations) to evaluate the semantic and lexical understanding of language models.
  • VISLA presents a 3-way semantic (in)equivalence task with a triplet of sentences associated with an image, which can be used to assess both vision-language models (VLMs) and unimodal language models (ULMs).
  • Evaluations of 34 VLMs and 20 ULMs reveal surprising difficulties in distinguishing between lexical and semantic variations, and that the spatial semantics encoded by language models are highly sensitive to lexical information.
  • The text encoders of VLMs demonstrate greater sensitivity to semantic and lexical variations than unimodal text encoders.

Plain English Explanation

Modern AI language models have made remarkable progress, but they still struggle with certain important details related to the meaning and structure of language. This paper introduces a new test called VISLA that is designed to evaluate how well these language models understand the semantic (meaning-related) and lexical (word-related) aspects of language.

The VISLA test presents sets of three sentences, each associated with an image. The task is to determine whether the sentences are semantically equivalent, semantically different, or just have different words but the same meaning. This test can be used to assess both language models that work with both text and images (vision-language models), as well as models that only work with text (unimodal language models).

When the researchers tested 34 vision-language models and 20 unimodal language models on the VISLA test, they found some surprising results. The models had a hard time distinguishing between changes in the meaning of sentences versus just changes in the words used. The models also seemed to be very sensitive to the specific words used when it came to understanding the spatial relationships and meanings encoded in the language.

Interestingly, the text encoding parts of the vision-language models were more sensitive to these semantic and lexical variations than the text-only language models. This suggests that the way these models learn from both text and images may give them a more nuanced understanding of language, but also makes them more easily confused by certain types of language changes.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces the VISLA (Variance and Invariance to Semantic and Lexical Alterations) benchmark, which is designed to evaluate the semantic and lexical understanding of language models. VISLA presents a 3-way semantic (in)equivalence task with a triplet of sentences associated with an image. This task can be used to assess both vision-language models (VLMs) and unimodal language models (ULMs).

The evaluation involved 34 VLMs and 20 ULMs, and revealed surprising difficulties in distinguishing between lexical and semantic variations. The spatial semantics encoded by language models also appear to be highly sensitive to lexical information. Interestingly, the text encoders of VLMs demonstrated greater sensitivity to semantic and lexical variations than unimodal text encoders.

The paper makes several contributions, including:

  • Unifying image-to-text and text-to-text retrieval tasks
  • Providing an off-the-shelf evaluation without fine-tuning
  • Assessing language models' semantic (in)variance in the presence of lexical alterations

The results highlight strengths and weaknesses across diverse vision and unimodal language models, contributing to a deeper understanding of their capabilities. The VALOR framework could be used to further explore the semantics of language models' latent spaces.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough and well-designed evaluation of language models' understanding of semantic and lexical variations. However, there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. Scope of Evaluation: The evaluation is limited to a specific 3-way semantic (in)equivalence task. While this provides valuable insights, it may not capture the full breadth of language understanding required for real-world applications.

  2. Generalization: The paper does not explore how the observed sensitivities to lexical information might generalize to other language understanding tasks or domains. Further research is needed to understand the broader implications of these findings.

  3. Interpretation of Results: The reasons behind the observed differences in sensitivity between VLMs and ULMs are not fully explored. Additional analysis or experiments could help unpack the underlying mechanisms driving these differences.

  4. Practical Implications: While the paper highlights important limitations in language models' understanding of semantic and lexical nuances, it does not provide clear guidance on how to address these issues in practice. Exploring potential mitigation strategies or architectural improvements could be a valuable next step.

Overall, the VISLA benchmark and the insights provided in this paper represent an important contribution to the ongoing efforts to better understand the capabilities and limitations of language models. As the field continues to advance, it will be crucial to maintain a critical and nuanced perspective on the strengths and weaknesses of these powerful AI systems.


This paper introduces the VISLA benchmark, a novel evaluation tool designed to assess the semantic and lexical understanding of language models. The results of testing 34 VLMs and 20 ULMs on VISLA reveal surprising difficulties in distinguishing between lexical and semantic variations, as well as a high sensitivity of spatial semantics to lexical information. Notably, the text encoders of VLMs demonstrate greater sensitivity to these nuances compared to unimodal text encoders.

The VISLA benchmark represents an important contribution to the ongoing efforts to better understand the capabilities and limitations of language models. By shedding light on areas where these models struggle with semantic and lexical complexities, the research highlights the need for continued advancements in language understanding. Further exploration of the underlying mechanisms and potential mitigation strategies could lead to significant improvements in the robustness and versatility of language AI systems, with far-reaching implications for a wide range of applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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