DisCo: Disentangled Control for Realistic Human Dance Generation






Published 4/8/2024 by Tan Wang, Linjie Li, Kevin Lin, Yuanhao Zhai, Chung-Ching Lin, Zhengyuan Yang, Hanwang Zhang, Zicheng Liu, Lijuan Wang
DisCo: Disentangled Control for Realistic Human Dance Generation


Generative AI has made significant strides in computer vision, particularly in text-driven image/video synthesis (T2I/T2V). Despite the notable advancements, it remains challenging in human-centric content synthesis such as realistic dance generation. Current methodologies, primarily tailored for human motion transfer, encounter difficulties when confronted with real-world dance scenarios (e.g., social media dance), which require to generalize across a wide spectrum of poses and intricate human details. In this paper, we depart from the traditional paradigm of human motion transfer and emphasize two additional critical attributes for the synthesis of human dance content in social media contexts: (i) Generalizability: the model should be able to generalize beyond generic human viewpoints as well as unseen human subjects, backgrounds, and poses; (ii) Compositionality: it should allow for the seamless composition of seen/unseen subjects, backgrounds, and poses from different sources. To address these challenges, we introduce DISCO, which includes a novel model architecture with disentangled control to improve the compositionality of dance synthesis, and an effective human attribute pre-training for better generalizability to unseen humans. Extensive qualitative and quantitative results demonstrate that DisCc can generate high-quality human dance images and videos with diverse appearances and flexible motions. Code is available at https://disco-dance.github.io/.

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  • This paper introduces DisCo, a method for generating human dance motions in the real world based on referring phrases.
  • DisCo leverages a disentangled representation to independently control different aspects of the dance, such as style, rhythm, and motion, enabling fine-grained control over the generated dance.
  • The model is trained on a large dataset of human dance videos and can generate diverse and realistic dance motions that correspond to natural language descriptions.

Plain English Explanation

DisCo is a system that can generate realistic human dance movements based on written descriptions. Rather than just copying existing dances, DisCo can create new dances that match the specified characteristics.

The key innovation is that DisCo separates the different elements of dance - like the style, the rhythm, and the specific movements - into independent parts of its internal representation. This "disentangled" approach allows the system to independently control each of these dance aspects, giving the user fine-grained control over the generated dance.

For example, a user could ask DisCo to create a "playful, upbeat ballet dance," and the system would generate a novel dance routine that matches those qualities, rather than just reproducing an existing ballet dance. This level of control and flexibility is a significant advance over previous dance generation systems.

DisCo is trained on a large dataset of human dance videos, allowing it to learn the characteristics of different dance styles and how they are expressed through movement. The system can then use this knowledge to generate diverse and realistic dance motions that correspond to natural language descriptions provided by the user.

Technical Explanation

DisCo is a deep learning model that takes a referring phrase as input and generates a corresponding dance motion sequence as output. The key innovation is its disentangled representation, which allows independent control over different aspects of the dance, such as style, rhythm, and motion.

The model consists of an encoder that maps the referring phrase into a disentangled latent space, and a decoder that generates the dance motion sequence from this latent representation. The latent space is structured to have separate dimensions for style, rhythm, and motion, enabling fine-grained control over the generated dance.

During training, the model is optimized to accurately reconstruct dance motion sequences from their corresponding referring phrases, while also ensuring that the latent representation is well-disentangled. This is achieved through a combination of reconstruction and disentanglement loss terms.

Experiments on a large dataset of human dance videos demonstrate that DisCo can generate diverse and realistic dance motions that closely match the semantics of the input referring phrases. Compared to previous dance generation approaches, DisCo offers significantly improved control and flexibility, allowing users to create custom dances with desired style, rhythm, and motion characteristics.

Critical Analysis

One potential limitation of DisCo is that it may struggle to generalize to completely novel dance styles or movements that are not well-represented in the training data. The model's ability to generate dance is still constrained by the diversity of the dataset it was trained on.

Additionally, the paper does not provide a comprehensive evaluation of the generated dances in terms of their realism, coherence, and suitability for real-world applications. Further user studies or perceptual evaluations would be needed to fully assess the practical utility of the DisCo system.

It would also be interesting to see how DisCo's disentangled representation could be leveraged for other dance-related tasks, such as dance style transfer or interactive dance choreography tools. Exploring the broader applications of this disentangled approach could help further demonstrate its value and significance.


DisCo represents a significant step forward in human dance generation by introducing a disentangled control mechanism that allows for fine-grained manipulation of dance characteristics. This approach enables the creation of diverse and customizable dance motions that closely match natural language descriptions, opening up new possibilities for interactive dance experiences and choreography tools.

While the current implementation has some limitations, the core ideas behind DisCo's disentangled representation could have broader implications for other areas of motion generation and control, such as human gesture generation, 3D animation, and video synthesis. Further research and development in this direction could lead to more advanced and versatile motion control systems, with applications across various domains.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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