An evaluation framework for synthetic data generation models






Published 4/16/2024 by Ioannis E. Livieris, Nikos Alimpertis, George Domalis, Dimitris Tsakalidis
An evaluation framework for synthetic data generation models


Nowadays, the use of synthetic data has gained popularity as a cost-efficient strategy for enhancing data augmentation for improving machine learning models performance as well as addressing concerns related to sensitive data privacy. Therefore, the necessity of ensuring quality of generated synthetic data, in terms of accurate representation of real data, consists of primary importance. In this work, we present a new framework for evaluating synthetic data generation models' ability for developing high-quality synthetic data. The proposed approach is able to provide strong statistical and theoretical information about the evaluation framework and the compared models' ranking. Two use case scenarios demonstrate the applicability of the proposed framework for evaluating the ability of synthetic data generation models to generated high quality data. The implementation code can be found in

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  • This paper presents an evaluation framework for assessing the quality of synthetic data generation models for tabular data.
  • The framework covers key aspects such as utility, privacy, and fairness, providing a comprehensive approach to evaluating the strengths and limitations of these models.
  • The authors also showcase the application of the framework on several popular synthetic data generation algorithms, offering valuable insights and best practices.

Plain English Explanation

Synthetic data generation models are a type of AI model that can create artificial data that closely resembles real-world data. This is useful in situations where the original data may be sensitive or difficult to obtain. However, it's important to ensure that the synthetic data is of high quality and doesn't introduce any biases or privacy issues.

This paper introduces an evaluation framework that helps assess the quality of synthetic data generation models. The framework looks at three key aspects: utility, privacy, and fairness.

Utility refers to how well the synthetic data can be used in place of the original data for tasks like training machine learning models. Privacy looks at whether the synthetic data protects the privacy of individuals in the original dataset. And fairness examines whether the synthetic data accurately represents different demographic groups without introducing biases.

By evaluating synthetic data generation models across these dimensions, the framework provides a comprehensive way to understand the strengths and limitations of these models. The authors also demonstrate the application of the framework on several popular synthetic data generation algorithms, sharing best practices and lessons learned that can help guide the development and use of these models.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a structured evaluation framework for assessing the quality of synthetic data generation models for tabular data. The framework covers three key aspects:

  1. Utility: This evaluates how well the synthetic data can be used as a substitute for the original data. Metrics like prediction accuracy, data utility, and task-specific performance are used to assess the utility of the synthetic data.

  2. Privacy: The framework analyzes the privacy preservation capabilities of the synthetic data generation model. This includes evaluating membership inference attacks, model inversion attacks, and other privacy risk metrics.

  3. Fairness: Fairness is assessed by examining whether the synthetic data accurately represents different demographic groups without introducing biases. Metrics like demographic parity, equal opportunity, and equalized odds are used for this purpose.

The authors demonstrate the application of this evaluation framework on several popular synthetic data generation algorithms, including CTGAN, TVAE, and Synthetic Data Vault. Through this analysis, they provide best practices and lessons learned for developing and deploying synthetic data generation models.

Critical Analysis

The evaluation framework presented in this paper provides a comprehensive and structured approach to assessing the quality of synthetic data generation models. By considering utility, privacy, and fairness, it addresses key concerns that are often overlooked when working with synthetic data.

That said, the paper acknowledges that the framework is not exhaustive, and there may be other important aspects to consider, such as the transferability of synthetic data for transfer learning or the ability to generate realistic and diverse synthetic data. Additionally, the evaluation metrics used in the framework may not capture all nuances of these complex concepts, and further research may be needed to develop more robust and comprehensive evaluation methods.

Overall, this paper offers a valuable contribution to the field of synthetic data generation, providing a practical tool for researchers and practitioners to critically evaluate the quality of their models. By encouraging a more rigorous and holistic approach to model evaluation, the authors help pave the way for the responsible development and deployment of these increasingly important AI-powered data generation techniques.


This paper presents a comprehensive evaluation framework for assessing the quality of synthetic data generation models for tabular data. By considering utility, privacy, and fairness, the framework provides a structured approach to evaluating the strengths and limitations of these models.

The authors demonstrate the application of the framework on several popular synthetic data generation algorithms, offering best practices and lessons learned that can guide the development and deployment of these models. The insights gained from this research can help ensure that synthetic data is used responsibly and effectively, ultimately contributing to the advancement of AI-powered data generation techniques that benefit both researchers and society.

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