From Pixels to Graphs: Open-Vocabulary Scene Graph Generation with Vision-Language Models






Published 4/9/2024 by Rongjie Li, Songyang Zhang, Dahua Lin, Kai Chen, Xuming He
From Pixels to Graphs: Open-Vocabulary Scene Graph Generation with Vision-Language Models


Scene graph generation (SGG) aims to parse a visual scene into an intermediate graph representation for downstream reasoning tasks. Despite recent advancements, existing methods struggle to generate scene graphs with novel visual relation concepts. To address this challenge, we introduce a new open-vocabulary SGG framework based on sequence generation. Our framework leverages vision-language pre-trained models (VLM) by incorporating an image-to-graph generation paradigm. Specifically, we generate scene graph sequences via image-to-text generation with VLM and then construct scene graphs from these sequences. By doing so, we harness the strong capabilities of VLM for open-vocabulary SGG and seamlessly integrate explicit relational modeling for enhancing the VL tasks. Experimental results demonstrate that our design not only achieves superior performance with an open vocabulary but also enhances downstream vision-language task performance through explicit relation modeling knowledge.

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  • The paper presents a method for generating open-vocabulary scene graphs from images using vision-language models.
  • Scene graphs are a structured representation of the objects, relationships, and attributes in an image, which can be useful for tasks like image understanding and reasoning.
  • The approach leverages large pre-trained vision-language models like CLIP to detect and classify objects and their relationships, without being limited to a fixed set of pre-defined concepts.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers have developed a way to automatically create detailed descriptions of the contents of images, going beyond just identifying the objects present. Their method can generate "scene graphs" - diagrams that show the various elements in an image and how they are connected.

For example, a scene graph for an image of a kitchen might include nodes representing a stove, a table, and a person, as well as edges indicating that the person is sitting at the table or that the stove is located in the kitchen. This structured representation provides a richer understanding of the overall scene compared to just listing the individual objects.

Importantly, the approach is "open-vocabulary", meaning it can recognize and describe a wide range of objects, actions, and relationships, not just a fixed set of pre-defined concepts. This is enabled by leveraging large language models that have been trained on vast amounts of text data, allowing them to understand and reason about a diverse set of visual elements.

By connecting pixels to conceptual knowledge in this way, the researchers aim to move towards more holistic and flexible scene understanding, with applications in areas like image captioning, visual question answering, and robotic perception. This could lead to AI systems that can engage in more meaningful and contextual interactions with the visual world.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a novel approach for [object Object] using [object Object]. The key idea is to leverage the rich semantic understanding captured by large-scale [object Object] to detect and classify objects and their relationships in a more open-ended and generalizable way, compared to traditional scene graph generation approaches.

The proposed method takes an input image and uses a vision-language model like CLIP to extract features representing the visual content. These features are then used to predict a set of objects, their attributes, and the relationships between them, resulting in a structured scene graph representation. Notably, the approach is not limited to a fixed vocabulary of pre-defined concepts, but can handle a much broader range of visual elements by drawing on the extensive knowledge captured by the underlying vision-language model.

The authors evaluate their method on standard scene graph benchmarks, [object Object] compared to prior work. They also show how the generated scene graphs can be used to support various downstream vision-and-language tasks, such as [object Object].

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach for leveraging the power of large-scale vision-language models to enable more flexible and open-ended scene graph generation. By moving beyond fixed vocabularies, the method can potentially capture a richer set of visual concepts and relationships, which could lead to more meaningful scene understanding.

However, the authors acknowledge some limitations of their current approach. For example, the performance on certain relationship prediction tasks still lags behind specialized scene graph generation models, suggesting there is room for further improvement. Additionally, the reliance on pre-trained vision-language models means the approach could be susceptible to biases or errors present in those underlying models.

It would also be interesting to see how the generated scene graphs could be further refined or enhanced, perhaps through iterative interaction with human users or by integrating the scene graph generation with other complementary vision-and-language tasks. Exploring ways to make the scene graphs more actionable or interpretable for downstream applications could also be a fruitful area for future research.

Overall, this work represents an exciting step towards more flexible and powerful scene understanding, with the potential to enable AI systems that can engage with the visual world in increasingly sophisticated and contextual ways.


The paper presents a novel approach for generating open-vocabulary scene graphs from images using vision-language models. By leveraging the rich semantic knowledge captured by large-scale pre-trained models, the method can detect and classify a diverse range of visual elements, going beyond the limitations of traditional scene graph generation techniques.

The demonstrated capability to create structured representations of image content, with a focus on objects, attributes, and relationships, has promising applications in areas like image understanding, reasoning, and multimodal interaction. As the field of vision-and-language continues to advance, this work highlights the potential of integrating powerful language-based representations with visual perception to enable more holistic and flexible scene understanding.

While the current approach has some limitations, the overall direction of the research is exciting and points towards a future where AI systems can engage with the visual world in increasingly sophisticated and contextual ways, with benefits for a wide range of real-world applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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