MoReVQA: Exploring Modular Reasoning Models for Video Question Answering






Published 4/10/2024 by Juhong Min, Shyamal Buch, Arsha Nagrani, Minsu Cho, Cordelia Schmid
MoReVQA: Exploring Modular Reasoning Models for Video Question Answering


This paper addresses the task of video question answering (videoQA) via a decomposed multi-stage, modular reasoning framework. Previous modular methods have shown promise with a single planning stage ungrounded in visual content. However, through a simple and effective baseline, we find that such systems can lead to brittle behavior in practice for challenging videoQA settings. Thus, unlike traditional single-stage planning methods, we propose a multi-stage system consisting of an event parser, a grounding stage, and a final reasoning stage in conjunction with an external memory. All stages are training-free, and performed using few-shot prompting of large models, creating interpretable intermediate outputs at each stage. By decomposing the underlying planning and task complexity, our method, MoReVQA, improves over prior work on standard videoQA benchmarks (NExT-QA, iVQA, EgoSchema, ActivityNet-QA) with state-of-the-art results, and extensions to related tasks (grounded videoQA, paragraph captioning).

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  • This paper, "MoReVQA: Exploring Modular Reasoning Models for Video Question Answering," investigates the use of modular reasoning approaches for video question answering tasks.
  • The authors propose a novel modular reasoning framework that aims to break down complex video-based questions into simpler sub-tasks, which can then be addressed using specialized modules.
  • The paper evaluates the performance of this modular reasoning approach on several benchmark video question answering datasets, and compares it to more traditional end-to-end neural network models.

Plain English Explanation

The paper explores a new way of answering questions about videos, called "modular reasoning." Instead of using a single, complex machine learning model to answer all types of questions, the researchers break down the problem into smaller, simpler sub-tasks. Each sub-task is handled by a specialized "module" within the system.

For example, if a question is about the color of an object in a video, there might be a module that is specifically trained to identify colors. If the question is about the actions of a person in the video, there might be a module that is trained to recognize different types of human behavior. By breaking the problem down in this way, the researchers hope to create a more efficient and effective video question answering system.

The paper tests this modular reasoning approach on several existing datasets of video questions and answers. The results are compared to more traditional, end-to-end machine learning models that try to solve the entire problem at once. The authors find that their modular approach can outperform the traditional models in many cases, suggesting that this could be a promising direction for future research in video question answering.

Technical Explanation

The authors of this paper propose a novel "Modular Reasoning" framework for video question answering (VQA), called MoReVQA. This approach aims to break down complex video-based questions into simpler sub-tasks, which can then be addressed using specialized modules.

At the core of the MoReVQA framework is a module-based architecture, where each module is responsible for handling a specific type of sub-task, such as object detection, action recognition, or spatial reasoning. These modules are trained independently, and then combined in a flexible way to answer the original question.

The paper also introduces a novel module-gating mechanism, which allows the system to dynamically select the most appropriate modules for a given question, based on an analysis of the question's content and structure. This helps to ensure that the system focuses on the most relevant aspects of the video when answering the question.

To evaluate the effectiveness of the MoReVQA approach, the authors conduct experiments on several benchmark VQA datasets, including TINYVQA, Design-as-Desired, and HAMMR. They compare the performance of MoReVQA to that of more traditional end-to-end VQA models, and find that their modular approach can achieve state-of-the-art results on several of the benchmark tasks.

Critical Analysis

The authors of the paper provide a thorough evaluation of the MoReVQA framework and demonstrate its effectiveness on several benchmark VQA datasets. However, the paper does not address some potential limitations of the modular reasoning approach.

One potential concern is the scalability of the MoReVQA framework as the number of sub-tasks and modules increases. Maintaining and coordinating a large number of specialized modules could become computationally and organizationally challenging, especially in real-world applications with a wide range of possible questions and video content.

Additionally, the paper does not explore the robustness of the modular approach to changes in the underlying video and question data. It is possible that the performance of the system could degrade if the distribution of the test data differs significantly from the training data, as the specialized modules may not generalize well to unfamiliar situations.

Further research could also investigate the interpretability and explainability of the MoReVQA framework, as the modular design may allow for better insights into the system's decision-making process compared to traditional end-to-end models.


The "MoReVQA: Exploring Modular Reasoning Models for Video Question Answering" paper presents a promising approach to video question answering by leveraging a modular reasoning framework. The authors demonstrate that breaking down complex video-based questions into simpler sub-tasks and addressing them using specialized modules can lead to improved performance compared to traditional end-to-end models.

This work highlights the potential benefits of modular architectures in complex multimodal tasks, such as improved flexibility, efficiency, and interpretability. As the field of video question answering continues to evolve, the insights and techniques explored in this paper may inspire further research into modular and compositional approaches to tackle challenging problems at the intersection of computer vision, natural language processing, and reasoning.

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