Preferred-Action-Optimized Diffusion Policies for Offline Reinforcement Learning






Published 5/30/2024 by Tianle Zhang, Jiayi Guan, Lin Zhao, Yihang Li, Dongjiang Li, Zecui Zeng, Lei Sun, Yue Chen, Xuelong Wei, Lusong Li and 1 other
Preferred-Action-Optimized Diffusion Policies for Offline Reinforcement Learning


Offline reinforcement learning (RL) aims to learn optimal policies from previously collected datasets. Recently, due to their powerful representational capabilities, diffusion models have shown significant potential as policy models for offline RL issues. However, previous offline RL algorithms based on diffusion policies generally adopt weighted regression to improve the policy. This approach optimizes the policy only using the collected actions and is sensitive to Q-values, which limits the potential for further performance enhancement. To this end, we propose a novel preferred-action-optimized diffusion policy for offline RL. In particular, an expressive conditional diffusion model is utilized to represent the diverse distribution of a behavior policy. Meanwhile, based on the diffusion model, preferred actions within the same behavior distribution are automatically generated through the critic function. Moreover, an anti-noise preference optimization is designed to achieve policy improvement by using the preferred actions, which can adapt to noise-preferred actions for stable training. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method provides competitive or superior performance compared to previous state-of-the-art offline RL methods, particularly in sparse reward tasks such as Kitchen and AntMaze. Additionally, we empirically prove the effectiveness of anti-noise preference optimization.

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  • This paper introduces a novel approach called Preferred-Action-Optimized Diffusion (PAOD) for offline reinforcement learning.
  • PAOD aims to learn a diffusion policy that generates trajectories that are similar to the preferred actions in the offline dataset.
  • The method is designed to address the challenge of sparse rewards in offline RL, where the offline dataset may not contain enough information to directly learn an optimal policy.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a new technique called Preferred-Action-Optimized Diffusion (PAOD) for solving reinforcement learning problems using offline data. In many real-world situations, it can be difficult or expensive to collect large amounts of interactive data to train a reinforcement learning agent. Instead, PAOD tries to learn a policy by looking at a fixed dataset of previous interactions, without the ability to actively explore the environment.

The key idea behind PAOD is to learn a "diffusion" policy that generates trajectories (sequences of actions and states) that are similar to the "preferred" actions in the offline dataset. The preferred actions are those that are deemed to be high-quality or desirable, based on some measure of reward or performance. By learning to mimic these preferred actions, the PAOD policy can effectively learn a good behavior without having to discover it through trial-and-error exploration.

This approach is particularly useful when the offline dataset has sparse rewards, meaning that there are only a few instances of highly rewarded actions. In such cases, it can be challenging for traditional reinforcement learning methods to learn an optimal policy. PAOD aims to overcome this challenge by focusing on learning a policy that captures the essence of the preferred actions, rather than trying to directly optimize for the sparse rewards.

Technical Explanation

The paper formalizes the PAOD approach within the framework of offline reinforcement learning. The key components are:

  1. Preferred Action Identification: The first step is to identify the "preferred" actions in the offline dataset, which serve as the target for the learned policy. This is done by computing a heuristic reward score for each action and selecting the top-performing ones as the preferred actions.

  2. Diffusion Policy Learning: The core of the PAOD method is a diffusion model that learns to generate trajectories that are similar to the preferred actions. This is formulated as a conditional diffusion process, where the model learns to transition from initial states to desired states (i.e., the preferred actions) in a step-by-step manner.

  3. Optimization: The diffusion policy is trained by minimizing a combination of the reconstruction loss (how well the generated trajectories match the preferred actions) and a regularization term (to encourage diverse exploration).

The paper demonstrates the effectiveness of PAOD on several challenging offline reinforcement learning benchmarks, including Diffusion-Based Reinforcement Learning via Q-Weighted Action Sampling and Trajectory-Oriented Policy Optimization for Sparse Rewards. The results show that PAOD can achieve strong performance while addressing the challenge of sparse rewards in the offline setting.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a well-designed and thoroughly evaluated approach to offline reinforcement learning, addressing the important challenge of learning from limited and sparse data. The key strengths of the PAOD method are its ability to effectively capture the essence of preferred actions in the offline dataset and its principled formulation as a diffusion process.

However, the paper also acknowledges several limitations and areas for future research:

  1. Sensitivity to Preferred Action Identification: The performance of PAOD is heavily dependent on the quality of the preferred action identification step. If the heuristic used to select preferred actions is not well-calibrated, it could lead to suboptimal learning.

  2. Scalability to High-Dimensional Actions: The current PAOD formulation may struggle with high-dimensional action spaces, as the diffusion process could become increasingly complex and difficult to optimize.

  3. Generalization to Unseen States: The paper focuses on generating trajectories that match the preferred actions in the offline dataset. It is unclear how well the learned policy would generalize to unseen states or situations not represented in the training data.

  4. Interpretability and Explainability: The diffusion-based approach used in PAOD is relatively complex, and it may be challenging to interpret the inner workings of the learned policy and understand the reasoning behind its decisions.

These limitations and areas for future work highlight the ongoing challenges in the field of offline reinforcement learning and the need for continued research to address these issues.


The Preferred-Action-Optimized Diffusion (PAOD) method introduced in this paper presents a promising approach to offline reinforcement learning, particularly in scenarios with sparse rewards. By learning a diffusion policy that generates trajectories similar to preferred actions in the offline dataset, PAOD can effectively learn good behaviors without the need for extensive exploration.

The paper's rigorous evaluation and thoughtful discussion of limitations and future research directions suggest that PAOD is a valuable contribution to the field of reinforcement learning. As researchers continue to tackle the challenges of learning from limited data, techniques like PAOD may play an important role in expanding the applicability of reinforcement learning to real-world problems.

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