Revisiting the Role of Language Priors in Vision-Language Models






Published 5/16/2024 by Zhiqiu Lin, Xinyue Chen, Deepak Pathak, Pengchuan Zhang, Deva Ramanan



Vision-language models (VLMs) are impactful in part because they can be applied to a variety of visual understanding tasks in a zero-shot fashion, without any fine-tuning. We study $textit{generative VLMs}$ that are trained for next-word generation given an image. We explore their zero-shot performance on the illustrative task of image-text retrieval across 8 popular vision-language benchmarks. Our first observation is that they can be repurposed for discriminative tasks (such as image-text retrieval) by simply computing the match score of generating a particular text string given an image. We call this probabilistic score the $textit{Visual Generative Pre-Training Score}$ (VisualGPTScore). While the VisualGPTScore produces near-perfect accuracy on some retrieval benchmarks, it yields poor accuracy on others. We analyze this behavior through a probabilistic lens, pointing out that some benchmarks inadvertently capture unnatural language distributions by creating adversarial but unlikely text captions. In fact, we demonstrate that even a blind language model that ignores any image evidence can sometimes outperform all prior art, reminiscent of similar challenges faced by the visual-question answering (VQA) community many years ago. We derive a probabilistic post-processing scheme that controls for the amount of linguistic bias in generative VLMs at test time without having to retrain or fine-tune the model. We show that the VisualGPTScore, when appropriately debiased, is a strong zero-shot baseline for vision-language understanding, oftentimes producing state-of-the-art accuracy.

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  • Vision-language models (VLMs) can be applied to various visual understanding tasks without any additional training.
  • This paper examines generative VLMs that are trained to generate text given an image.
  • The researchers explore the zero-shot performance of these models on the task of image-text retrieval across 8 popular benchmarks.

Plain English Explanation

Vision-language models (VLMs) are a type of artificial intelligence system that can understand and work with both images and text. One of the powerful capabilities of these models is that they can be applied to a variety of visual understanding tasks without needing to be specifically trained for each one. This is known as "zero-shot" performance.

In this paper, the researchers focus on a specific type of VLM called a generative VLM. These models are trained to generate text, such as captions, based on an input image. The researchers explore how well these generative VLMs can perform on the task of image-text retrieval - where the goal is to find the text that best matches a given image.

The researchers look at the performance of these generative VLMs on 8 different image-text retrieval benchmarks, which are standard datasets used to evaluate these types of systems. They find that the generative VLMs can achieve near-perfect accuracy on some of the benchmarks, but struggle on others.

The researchers analyze this behavior and discover that some of the benchmarks inadvertently contain "adversarial" text captions that are very unlikely to occur naturally. In fact, they find that even a language model that completely ignores the image can sometimes outperform all previous approaches on these benchmarks.

To address this issue, the researchers develop a probabilistic post-processing scheme that can adjust the output of the generative VLMs to account for this linguistic bias in the benchmarks. When this debiasing technique is applied, the generative VLMs become a strong zero-shot baseline, often achieving state-of-the-art performance on the image-text retrieval tasks.

Technical Explanation

The researchers in this paper examine generative vision-language models (VLMs) - models that are trained to generate text, such as captions, given an input image. They explore the zero-shot performance of these models on the task of image-text retrieval, where the goal is to find the text that best matches a given image.

The researchers first observe that these generative VLMs can be repurposed for discriminative tasks like image-text retrieval by computing a probabilistic score called the Visual Generative Pre-Training Score (VisualGPTScore) - the likelihood of generating a particular text string given an image.

While the VisualGPTScore produces near-perfect accuracy on some retrieval benchmarks, the researchers find that it performs poorly on others. They analyze this behavior through a probabilistic lens, pointing out that some benchmarks inadvertently capture unnatural language distributions by creating "adversarial" but unlikely text captions.

In fact, the researchers demonstrate that even a blind language model that ignores any image evidence can sometimes outperform all prior art on these benchmarks, reminiscent of similar challenges faced by the visual-question answering (VQA) community in the past.

To address this issue, the researchers derive a probabilistic post-processing scheme that can control for the amount of linguistic bias in generative VLMs at test time, without having to retrain or fine-tune the model. They show that the VisualGPTScore, when appropriately debiased, is a strong zero-shot baseline for vision-language understanding, often producing state-of-the-art accuracy on the image-text retrieval benchmarks.

Critical Analysis

The researchers in this paper raise important concerns about the design and evaluation of vision-language benchmarks, which can inadvertently capture linguistic biases that undermine the true capabilities of these models.

One limitation of the paper is that it only examines generative VLMs, and does not explore the behavior of discriminative VLMs (e.g., VITAMIN-C, Semantically Prompted Language Models) on these benchmarks. It would be valuable to see how the researchers' debiasing approach applies to a wider range of VLM architectures.

Additionally, the paper focuses on image-text retrieval tasks, but the researchers acknowledge that the linguistic biases they identify may be present in other vision-language tasks as well, such as visual question answering. Further investigation into the prevalence and impact of these biases across a broader range of vision-language benchmarks would help to better understand the limitations of current evaluation practices.

Overall, this paper makes an important contribution by highlighting the need for more careful design and analysis of vision-language benchmarks, in order to ensure that they accurately reflect the true capabilities of these powerful models and drive the field forward in a meaningful way.


This paper examines the zero-shot performance of generative vision-language models (VLMs) on the task of image-text retrieval, across a range of popular benchmarks. The researchers find that while these models can achieve near-perfect accuracy on some benchmarks, they struggle on others due to the presence of linguistic biases in the dataset.

By developing a probabilistic post-processing scheme to debias the model outputs, the researchers show that generative VLMs can serve as a strong zero-shot baseline for vision-language understanding, often matching or exceeding the state-of-the-art. This work highlights the importance of carefully designing and analyzing vision-language benchmarks to ensure they accurately reflect the true capabilities of these powerful AI systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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