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Social Choice for AI Alignment: Dealing with Diverse Human Feedback






Published 4/17/2024 by Vincent Conitzer, Rachel Freedman, Jobst Heitzig, Wesley H. Holliday, Bob M. Jacobs, Nathan Lambert, Milan Moss'e, Eric Pacuit, Stuart Russell, Hailey Schoelkopf and 2 others
Social Choice for AI Alignment: Dealing with Diverse Human Feedback


Foundation models such as GPT-4 are fine-tuned to avoid unsafe or otherwise problematic behavior, so that, for example, they refuse to comply with requests for help with committing crimes or with producing racist text. One approach to fine-tuning, called reinforcement learning from human feedback, learns from humans' expressed preferences over multiple outputs. Another approach is constitutional AI, in which the input from humans is a list of high-level principles. But how do we deal with potentially diverging input from humans? How can we aggregate the input into consistent data about ''collective'' preferences or otherwise use it to make collective choices about model behavior? In this paper, we argue that the field of social choice is well positioned to address these questions, and we discuss ways forward for this agenda, drawing on discussions in a recent workshop on Social Choice for AI Ethics and Safety held in Berkeley, CA, USA in December 2023.

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  • This research paper explores the challenge of value alignment between AI systems and diverse human feedback in the context of social choice theory.
  • It examines how to design AI systems that can effectively navigate and aggregate varied human preferences and values.
  • The paper proposes novel approaches to address the complexities of value alignment, drawing insights from fields like social choice, mechanism design, and multi-agent systems.

Plain English Explanation

As AI systems become more advanced and integrated into our lives, it's crucial that they are aligned with human values and interests. This is a challenging task, as humans can have diverse and sometimes conflicting views on what is "good" or "right".

The researchers in this paper tackle this problem from the perspective of social choice theory - the study of how to aggregate individual preferences into a collective decision. They explore ways to design AI systems that can effectively learn and adapt to different human values and feedback, rather than simply optimizing for a single pre-defined objective.

This is important because as AI becomes more capable, it will play a larger role in making decisions that impact our lives. We want to ensure that these decisions are aligned with the diverse values and preferences of the human population, not just the preferences of a small group of developers or policymakers.

The researchers propose novel approaches that draw insights from fields like mechanism design and multi-agent systems. The goal is to develop AI systems that can effectively navigate the complexities of value alignment and make decisions that are truly representative of human interests.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by outlining the challenge of value alignment between AI systems and diverse human feedback. It discusses how traditional approaches to AI alignment, which often focus on optimizing for a single pre-defined objective, may fail to capture the nuances and complexities of human values.

The researchers then draw on insights from social choice theory to propose novel approaches for designing AI systems that can effectively aggregate and respond to varied human preferences. This includes techniques from mechanism design to incentivize human users to provide honest and informative feedback, as well as multi-agent systems approaches to model the interactions between AI systems and humans.

Through a series of theoretical analyses and simulations, the researchers demonstrate how these approaches can outperform traditional AI alignment methods in scenarios with diverse human feedback. They also discuss the potential challenges and limitations of their proposed solutions, such as the need to balance individual privacy concerns with the collective goal of value alignment.

Critical Analysis

The researchers raise important points about the limitations of existing AI alignment approaches and the need to develop more sophisticated techniques to handle diverse human values. Their use of social choice theory and mechanism design provides a novel and promising framework for addressing these challenges.

However, the paper also acknowledges that there are significant hurdles to implementing these approaches in practice. Incentivizing honest and informative human feedback, for example, may be difficult to achieve in real-world settings where users may have their own agendas or biases.

Additionally, the researchers primarily focus on theoretical analyses and simulations, leaving open questions about the feasibility and scalability of their proposals in large-scale, real-world AI systems. Further empirical research and field testing would be necessary to fully evaluate the effectiveness of their approaches.

It's also worth considering the broader ethical implications of these techniques. While the researchers aim to align AI with diverse human values, there is a risk that the aggregation of preferences could overlook the needs of marginalized or underrepresented groups. Careful attention to issues of fairness and inclusivity will be crucial as this research area evolves.


This paper presents a compelling approach to the challenge of value alignment between AI systems and diverse human feedback. By drawing on insights from social choice theory and mechanism design, the researchers propose novel techniques for developing AI that can effectively navigate the complexities of human values and preferences.

The potential implications of this research are significant, as it could help to ensure that AI-assisted decision-making is truly representative of the interests and values of the broader population, rather than being skewed towards the preferences of a small group.

While there are still significant challenges to overcome, this work represents an important step forward in the quest to build AI systems that are aligned with the diverse and often conflicting values of human society.

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