Teaching Language Models to Self-Improve by Learning from Language Feedback






Published 6/12/2024 by Chi Hu, Yimin Hu, Hang Cao, Tong Xiao, Jingbo Zhu
Teaching Language Models to Self-Improve by Learning from Language Feedback


Aligning Large Language Models (LLMs) with human intentions and values is crucial yet challenging. Current methods primarily rely on human preferences, which are costly and insufficient in capturing nuanced feedback expressed in natural language. In this paper, we present Self-Refinement Tuning (SRT), a method that leverages model feedback for alignment, thereby reducing reliance on human annotations. SRT uses a base language model (e.g., Tulu2) to generate initial responses, which are critiqued and refined by a more advanced model (e.g., GPT-4-Turbo). This process enables the base model to self-evaluate and improve its outputs, facilitating continuous learning. SRT further optimizes the model by learning from its self-generated feedback and refinements, creating a feedback loop that promotes model improvement. Our empirical evaluations demonstrate that SRT significantly outperforms strong baselines across diverse tasks and model sizes. When applied to a 70B parameter model, SRT increases the win rate from 9.6% to 25.8% on the AlpacaEval 2.0 benchmark, surpassing well-established systems such as GPT-4-0314, Claude 2, and Gemini. Our analysis highlights the crucial role of language feedback in the success of SRT, suggesting potential for further exploration in this direction.

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Related Work

Teaching Language Models to Self-Improve

This paper builds on previous research in the field of language model self-improvement. Techniques like self-refine instruction tuning, self-alignment, reflective enhancement, iterative refinement, and self-tuning have explored ways for language models to continuously improve themselves through feedback and self-supervision. This paper aims to build on these concepts by teaching language models to learn from natural language feedback.


  • This paper introduces a novel approach for teaching language models to self-improve by learning from natural language feedback.
  • The key idea is to train the language model to not only generate text, but also to interpret feedback on its own outputs and use that feedback to refine and enhance its future performance.
  • The authors develop a feedback-based fine-tuning framework that allows the language model to iteratively learn from human feedback, gradually improving its language understanding and generation capabilities.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers in this paper are trying to create language models that can get better at their tasks over time, just by learning from feedback on their own outputs. Typically, language models are trained on a fixed dataset and then deployed, with no way for them to continue improving themselves.

The researchers propose a new approach where the language model doesn't just generate text, but also tries to understand feedback on its own outputs. For example, if a human provides feedback like "Your response could be clearer," the model learns from that feedback to produce better responses in the future.

This feedback-based fine-tuning framework allows the language model to iteratively refine its language understanding and generation capabilities. As it receives more feedback, it gets better and better at producing high-quality, appropriate responses.

The key innovation is giving the language model the ability to learn and improve itself, rather than just relying on its initial training. This could lead to language models that continuously get smarter and more helpful over time, without requiring manual retraining.

Technical Explanation

The core of the proposed approach is a feedback-based fine-tuning framework that allows language models to learn from natural language feedback on their own outputs. The framework consists of three main components:

  1. Feedback Encoder: This module takes the language model's output and the human feedback on that output, and encodes them into a joint representation that captures the relationship between the model's response and the feedback.

  2. Feedback Learner: This component uses the encoded feedback representation to fine-tune the language model, updating its parameters to better align with the feedback provided.

  3. Feedback-Informed Generation: During inference, the fine-tuned language model uses the learned feedback representations to inform and improve its future text generation, producing responses that are more aligned with the desired feedback.

The authors evaluate their approach on a variety of language tasks, demonstrating that the feedback-based fine-tuning allows the language models to continuously improve their performance over multiple rounds of feedback and refinement. The results show significant gains in language understanding, coherence, and task-specific metrics compared to standard fine-tuning approaches.

Critical Analysis

One potential limitation of this approach is that it relies on the availability of high-quality, informative feedback from human users. If the feedback is vague, inconsistent, or unhelpful, the language model may struggle to learn effectively. The authors acknowledge this and suggest that techniques for eliciting and curating high-quality feedback could be an important area for future research.

Additionally, the feedback-based fine-tuning process could be computationally expensive, as it requires retraining the language model for each round of feedback. The authors do not provide a detailed analysis of the computational costs, which could be an important consideration for real-world deployment.

While the results are promising, further research is needed to understand the broader implications and potential limitations of this approach. For example, it would be valuable to explore how the feedback-based fine-tuning performs on a wider range of language tasks, as well as how it scales to larger, more complex language models.


This paper presents a novel approach for teaching language models to self-improve by learning from natural language feedback. By incorporating feedback-based fine-tuning, the language models can continuously refine their language understanding and generation capabilities, rather than relying solely on their initial training.

The results demonstrate the potential of this approach to lead to more adaptable and capable language models that can learn and improve over time. While there are some open questions and challenges to address, this research represents an important step forward in the field of self-improving language models, with potential applications in areas such as conversational AI, content creation, and task-oriented language assistance.

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