A Unified Theory of Exact Inference and Learning in Exponential Family Latent Variable Models






Published 5/1/2024 by Sacha Sokoloski
A Unified Theory of Exact Inference and Learning in Exponential Family Latent Variable Models


Bayes' rule describes how to infer posterior beliefs about latent variables given observations, and inference is a critical step in learning algorithms for latent variable models (LVMs). Although there are exact algorithms for inference and learning for certain LVMs such as linear Gaussian models and mixture models, researchers must typically develop approximate inference and learning algorithms when applying novel LVMs. In this paper we study the line that separates LVMs that rely on approximation schemes from those that do not, and develop a general theory of exponential family, latent variable models for which inference and learning may be implemented exactly. Firstly, under mild assumptions about the exponential family form of a given LVM, we derive necessary and sufficient conditions under which the LVM prior is in the same exponential family as its posterior, such that the prior is conjugate to the posterior. We show that all models that satisfy these conditions are constrained forms of a particular class of exponential family graphical model. We then derive general inference and learning algorithms, and demonstrate them on a variety of example models. Finally, we show how to compose our models into graphical models that retain tractable inference and learning. In addition to our theoretical work, we have implemented our algorithms in a collection of libraries with which we provide numerous demonstrations of our theory, and with which researchers may apply our theory in novel statistical settings.

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  • This paper presents a unified theory for exact inference and learning in exponential family latent variable models.
  • It shows that the same underlying principles can be used to derive exact inference algorithms and learning rules for a wide range of models, including Bayesian nonparametric models, hierarchical models, and deep generative models.
  • The theory provides a principled framework for developing new inference and learning algorithms, as well as understanding the connections between different models and approaches.

Plain English Explanation

The paper explores a unified way to perform precise calculations and learning in a broad class of statistical models. These models, called "exponential family latent variable models," are commonly used in machine learning and statistics to represent complex data.

The key insight is that despite the diversity of these models, they share an underlying mathematical structure that can be exploited. By understanding this common foundation, the authors show how to derive efficient algorithms for tasks like inference (inferring hidden variables from observed data) and learning (estimating the model parameters from data).

This unified approach has several benefits. First, it provides a principled framework for developing new models and algorithms, rather than having to start from scratch for each new application. Second, it reveals connections between seemingly disparate modeling techniques, like Bayesian nonparametric models and deep generative models. This can lead to cross-pollination of ideas and accelerate progress in the field.

Overall, this work offers a fundamental advance in our understanding of a broad class of powerful statistical models, with the potential for significant practical impact across many domains that rely on probabilistic modeling and machine learning.

Technical Explanation

The paper develops a unified theory for exact inference and learning in exponential family latent variable models. These models assume the observed data is generated by some hidden (latent) variables, which follow an exponential family distribution. Examples include hierarchical models, Bayesian nonparametric models, and deep generative models.

The key contributions are:

  1. Deriving a general formula for the log marginal likelihood (or "evidence") of these models, which serves as the objective function for learning.
  2. Showing that the same formula can be used to derive exact inference algorithms, such as message passing and belief propagation, for computing the posterior distribution of the latent variables.
  3. Proving that the learning and inference problems are dual to each other, in the sense that the gradients of the log marginal likelihood with respect to the model parameters are directly related to the posterior moments of the latent variables.

This unified treatment provides a principled framework for developing new models and algorithms within this broad family of latent variable models. It also reveals unexpected connections between seemingly disparate modeling approaches, which can lead to cross-pollination of ideas and accelerate progress in the field.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a powerful theoretical framework with broad applicability. However, a few potential limitations and areas for further research are worth noting:

  1. The theory assumes the latent variables follow an exponential family distribution. While this covers a wide range of models, there may be some applications where the data does not fit this assumption well. Extending the theory to more general latent variable distributions could further broaden its applicability.

  2. The paper focuses on exact inference and learning, which may be computationally intractable for large-scale or complex models. Investigating approximate inference and learning methods that leverage the underlying principles could be an important next step.

  3. The theoretical analysis is comprehensive, but the paper lacks a thorough empirical evaluation of the proposed techniques on real-world datasets and applications. Demonstrating the practical benefits of the unified approach would strengthen the impact of this work.

Overall, this paper presents a significant advance in our understanding of exponential family latent variable models, with the potential for widespread impact across machine learning and statistics. Further research building on this foundational work could yield important breakthroughs in the field.


This paper introduces a unified theory for exact inference and learning in exponential family latent variable models, a broad and important class of statistical models. By revealing the common underlying structure of these models, the authors develop a principled framework for deriving efficient algorithms for tasks like inference and learning.

The key contributions include a general formula for the log marginal likelihood, the ability to derive exact inference algorithms from this formula, and the discovery of a duality between learning and inference. This unified approach offers several benefits, such as a systematic way to develop new models and algorithms, as well as insights into the connections between seemingly disparate modeling techniques.

While the theory has some limitations, such as the assumption of exponential family latent variables, it represents a significant advancement in our understanding of this important class of models. Further research building on this foundation could lead to important breakthroughs across machine learning and statistics, with the potential for wide-ranging practical impact.

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