Using deep reinforcement learning to promote sustainable human behaviour on a common pool resource problem






Published 4/24/2024 by Raphael Koster, Miruna P^islar, Andrea Tacchetti, Jan Balaguer, Leqi Liu, Romuald Elie, Oliver P. Hauser, Karl Tuyls, Matt Botvinick, Christopher Summerfield



A canonical social dilemma arises when finite resources are allocated to a group of people, who can choose to either reciprocate with interest, or keep the proceeds for themselves. What resource allocation mechanisms will encourage levels of reciprocation that sustain the commons? Here, in an iterated multiplayer trust game, we use deep reinforcement learning (RL) to design an allocation mechanism that endogenously promotes sustainable contributions from human participants to a common pool resource. We first trained neural networks to behave like human players, creating a stimulated economy that allowed us to study how different mechanisms influenced the dynamics of receipt and reciprocation. We then used RL to train a social planner to maximise aggregate return to players. The social planner discovered a redistributive policy that led to a large surplus and an inclusive economy, in which players made roughly equal gains. The RL agent increased human surplus over baseline mechanisms based on unrestricted welfare or conditional cooperation, by conditioning its generosity on available resources and temporarily sanctioning defectors by allocating fewer resources to them. Examining the AI policy allowed us to develop an explainable mechanism that performed similarly and was more popular among players. Deep reinforcement learning can be used to discover mechanisms that promote sustainable human behaviour.

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  • Examines how resource allocation mechanisms can encourage sustainable contributions to a common pool resource
  • Uses deep reinforcement learning to design an allocation mechanism that promotes cooperative behavior in a multiplayer trust game
  • Finds that a redistributive policy that conditions generosity on available resources and temporarily sanctions defectors can lead to a large surplus and an inclusive economy

Plain English Explanation

In this research, the authors explore how to design resource allocation mechanisms that encourage people to cooperate and contribute to a shared resource, rather than just taking from it for themselves. They used a deep reinforcement learning approach to create an allocation system that could learn to promote sustainable contributions.

The researchers first trained AI agents to mimic human behavior in a multiplayer trust game, where people could choose to either share resources or keep them for themselves. This allowed them to study how different allocation mechanisms influenced the dynamics of giving and receiving. [^1]

They then used reinforcement learning to train a "social planner" AI to maximize the overall returns to all the players. The social planner discovered a policy that redistributed resources in a way that led to a large surplus and an economy where everyone gained roughly equally. [^2]

The key was that the AI's generosity was conditional - it would allocate more resources to players who contributed, but temporarily reduce allocations to those who didn't cooperate. This created incentives for players to keep contributing to the common pool.

By analyzing the AI's allocation strategy, the researchers were able to develop an explainable mechanism that performed similarly and was more popular with human players. [^3] This shows how deep learning can be used to design allocation systems that encourage sustainable, cooperative behavior.

[^1]: See this paper for more on using reinforcement learning to model human behavior. [^2]: Compare this to research on learning payment-free resource allocation mechanisms. [^3]: The idea of using AI to discover socially-aligned policies is an active area of research.

Technical Explanation

The authors designed an iterated multiplayer trust game to study how different resource allocation mechanisms impact cooperation and reciprocation. In this game, participants are given a finite pool of resources that they can choose to either keep for themselves or contribute to a common pool.

To model human behavior, the researchers first trained neural networks to play the game like human participants would. This allowed them to simulate an entire economy and observe how different allocation policies influenced the dynamics of giving and receiving over multiple rounds.

They then used deep reinforcement learning to train a "social planner" agent to allocate resources in a way that would maximize the overall returns to all players. This agent discovered a redistributive policy that outperformed baseline mechanisms. [^4]

The key aspects of the social planner's policy were:

  1. Conditioning its generosity on the available resources - allocating more to contributors when resources were plentiful, but reducing allocations to defectors.
  2. Temporarily sanctioning players who didn't contribute by giving them fewer resources in subsequent rounds.

This created incentives for players to keep contributing to the common pool, rather than just taking for themselves. Analyzing the social planner's strategy allowed the researchers to develop an explainable allocation mechanism that matched its performance.

[^4]: This relates to research on learning agile soccer skills where reinforcement learning was used to discover complex behaviors.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a compelling demonstration of how deep reinforcement learning can be used to discover resource allocation mechanisms that promote sustainable, cooperative behavior. By first modeling human behavior and then training an agent to optimize for the group's collective welfare, the researchers were able to uncover a nuanced policy that outperformed simpler approaches.

However, it's important to note that this was a simplified, simulated environment. Translating these findings to real-world scenarios with complex human dynamics, varying cultural norms, and scarce resources would likely present additional challenges. Further research is needed to understand how these mechanisms might scale and adapt to more realistic settings.

Additionally, the paper does not delve into potential ethical concerns around an AI system having control over resource allocation, or the risk of unintended consequences. As this line of research progresses, it will be crucial to carefully consider the societal implications and work to ensure these systems are aligned with human values.

Overall, this work represents an interesting step forward in using AI techniques to tackle the challenge of sustainable resource management. By continuing to explore these ideas with a critical eye, researchers may uncover valuable insights for designing more equitable and cooperative economic systems.


This research demonstrates how deep reinforcement learning can be used to design resource allocation mechanisms that encourage sustainable, cooperative behavior. By first modeling human decision-making in a multiplayer trust game, and then training an AI agent to optimize for the group's collective welfare, the authors were able to discover a nuanced redistribution policy that outperformed simpler approaches.

The key insight was that conditioning the AI's generosity on available resources and temporarily sanctioning defectors creates incentives for players to keep contributing to the common pool. This led to a large surplus and an inclusive economy where everyone gained roughly equally.

While this was a simplified, simulated environment, the findings suggest that AI techniques could be valuable for tackling real-world challenges around sustainable resource management and promoting cooperative, prosocial behavior. As this line of research continues, it will be important to consider the ethical implications and work to ensure these systems are aligned with human values.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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