CriticBench: Benchmarking LLMs for Critique-Correct Reasoning






Published 6/4/2024 by Zicheng Lin, Zhibin Gou, Tian Liang, Ruilin Luo, Haowei Liu, Yujiu Yang
CriticBench: Benchmarking LLMs for Critique-Correct Reasoning


The ability of Large Language Models (LLMs) to critique and refine their reasoning is crucial for their application in evaluation, feedback provision, and self-improvement. This paper introduces CriticBench, a comprehensive benchmark designed to assess LLMs' abilities to critique and rectify their reasoning across a variety of tasks. CriticBench encompasses five reasoning domains: mathematical, commonsense, symbolic, coding, and algorithmic. It compiles 15 datasets and incorporates responses from three LLM families. Utilizing CriticBench, we evaluate and dissect the performance of 17 LLMs in generation, critique, and correction reasoning, i.e., GQC reasoning. Our findings reveal: (1) a linear relationship in GQC capabilities, with critique-focused training markedly enhancing performance; (2) a task-dependent variation in correction effectiveness, with logic-oriented tasks being more amenable to correction; (3) GQC knowledge inconsistencies that decrease as model size increases; and (4) an intriguing inter-model critiquing dynamic, where stronger models are better at critiquing weaker ones, while weaker models can surprisingly surpass stronger ones in their self-critique. We hope these insights into the nuanced critique-correct reasoning of LLMs will foster further research in LLM critique and self-improvement.

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ā€¢ This paper introduces CriticBench, a new benchmark for evaluating the critique-correction reasoning capabilities of large language models (LLMs).

ā€¢ CriticBench assesses how well LLMs can detect and correct flaws in given arguments, a valuable skill for real-world applications like policy analysis and decision-making.

ā€¢ The paper presents the benchmark's design, datasets, and evaluation metrics, and uses it to analyze the reasoning capabilities of several state-of-the-art LLMs.

Plain English Explanation

CriticBench is a new tool that helps researchers and developers assess how well large language models (LLMs) can identify and fix problems in arguments or statements. This is an important skill, as LLMs are increasingly being used for tasks like policy analysis and decision-making, where the ability to critically evaluate information is crucial.

The researchers who created CriticBench designed a set of test scenarios that challenge LLMs to detect flaws in arguments and then suggest improvements. For example, an LLM might be asked to identify logical fallacies or missing evidence in a given statement, and then propose ways to strengthen the argument.

By using CriticBench to test different LLMs, the researchers were able to compare the models' critique-correction capabilities. This provides valuable insights into the current strengths and limitations of LLM reasoning, which can help guide the development of more advanced and reliable language models for real-world applications.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces CriticBench, a new benchmark for evaluating the critique-correction reasoning capabilities of large language models (LLMs). CriticBench: Benchmarking LLMs for Critique-Correct Reasoning

The benchmark is designed to assess how well LLMs can detect and correct flaws in arguments, a valuable skill for applications like policy analysis and decision-making. CriticBench presents LLMs with a range of test scenarios that challenge them to identify logical fallacies, missing evidence, and other weaknesses in given statements, and then propose ways to improve the arguments.

The paper describes the benchmark's dataset creation process, evaluation metrics, and the performance of several state-of-the-art LLMs on the CriticBench tasks. The results provide insights into the current strengths and limitations of LLM reasoning, which can inform the development of more advanced and reliable language models for real-world applications. Beyond Accuracy: Evaluating Reasoning Behavior in Large Language Models, Evaluating Consistency and Reasoning Capabilities of Large Language Models, and Evaluating Deductive Competence of Large Language Models are related papers that explore different approaches to evaluating the reasoning capabilities of LLMs.

Critical Analysis

The CriticBench paper provides a valuable contribution to the field of language model evaluation by introducing a novel benchmark focused on critique-correction reasoning. This is an important capability for many real-world applications of LLMs, and the benchmark offers a systematic way to assess it.

However, the paper acknowledges some limitations of the current CriticBench design, such as the potential for bias in the dataset creation process and the challenge of capturing the full complexity of critique-correction reasoning. Additionally, the evaluation metrics used may not fully capture all aspects of this skill, and there is room for further research to refine the benchmark and explore other evaluation approaches. Evaluating Interventional Reasoning Capabilities of Large Language Models is another related paper that discusses the importance of evaluating different types of reasoning in LLMs.

As the authors note, the CriticBench results highlight the current limitations of state-of-the-art LLMs in terms of critique-correction reasoning, suggesting that more work is needed to develop models with stronger reasoning capabilities. Addressing these limitations will be crucial for the safe and reliable deployment of LLMs in high-stakes applications.


The CriticBench paper introduces a novel benchmark for evaluating the critique-correction reasoning capabilities of large language models (LLMs), a valuable skill for real-world applications like policy analysis and decision-making. The benchmark's design, datasets, and evaluation results provide valuable insights into the current strengths and limitations of LLM reasoning, which can inform the development of more advanced and reliable language models.

While CriticBench represents an important step forward in LLM evaluation, the paper acknowledges some limitations and areas for further research. Continued efforts to develop robust and comprehensive evaluation frameworks for LLM reasoning will be crucial as these models become more widely deployed in high-stakes domains.

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