Learning Low-dimensional Latent Dynamics from High-dimensional Observations: Non-asymptotics and Lower Bounds

Read original: arXiv:2405.06089 - Published 6/27/2024 by Yuyang Zhang, Shahriar Talebi, Na Li
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Learning Low-dimensional Latent Dynamics from High-dimensional Observations: Non-asymptotics and Lower Bounds

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  • This paper explores the problem of learning low-dimensional latent dynamics from high-dimensional observed data, which is a common challenge in machine learning.
  • The authors provide non-asymptotic analysis and lower bounds for this problem, offering insights into the fundamental limitations and achievable performance.
  • The research has implications for fields like system identification, control theory, and deep learning, where understanding the underlying dynamics of complex systems is crucial.

Plain English Explanation

In many real-world scenarios, we have access to high-dimensional data (like images or sensor readings) that are generated by some underlying low-dimensional dynamic system. For example, the movements of a person's body can be captured by high-dimensional video data, but the actual dynamics are governed by a much lower-dimensional set of factors, such as joint angles and muscle activations.

This paper investigates the problem of learning these low-dimensional latent dynamics from the high-dimensional observed data. The authors provide a rigorous mathematical analysis to understand the fundamental limits of how well we can recover the true latent dynamics, even with infinite data.

Their analysis reveals several key insights:

  • There are unavoidable lower bounds on the error we can achieve, no matter how much data we have or how sophisticated our learning algorithms are.
  • The achievable performance depends on properties of the latent dynamics, such as how much the low-dimensional state can influence the high-dimensional observations.

These findings have important implications for various fields, including system identification, control theory, and deep learning. By understanding the fundamental limits of latent dynamics recovery, researchers and practitioners can better design and interpret their models, and focus their efforts on the most promising directions.

Technical Explanation

The paper formulates the problem of learning low-dimensional latent dynamics from high-dimensional observations as a statistical estimation task. Specifically, the authors consider a linear dynamical system (LDS) model, where the latent state evolves linearly over time, and the high-dimensional observations are linearly related to the latent state.

The main technical contribution of the paper is a non-asymptotic analysis of the estimation error, which provides upper and lower bounds on the achievable performance. These bounds depend on various problem parameters, such as the dimension of the latent state, the condition number of the observation matrix, and the stability of the latent dynamics.

The authors also draw connections to related problems, such as invariant subspace decomposition and non-parametric learning of stochastic differential equations. By relating their work to these other areas, they are able to leverage existing techniques and insights to strengthen their analysis.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a rigorous theoretical analysis, but there are some important caveats and limitations to consider:

  1. The analysis assumes a linear dynamical system model, which may not capture the true complexity of many real-world systems. Extending the results to more general nonlinear models remains an open challenge.

  2. The lower bounds derived in the paper are information-theoretic in nature, meaning they represent fundamental limits on what can be achieved, but do not necessarily reflect the performance of practical algorithms. Bridging the gap between these theoretical limits and actual algorithmic performance is an important area for future research.

  3. The analysis focuses on the asymptotic regime, where the amount of observed data goes to infinity. Understanding the finite-sample behavior, particularly for small data regimes, would be valuable for many practical applications.

Despite these limitations, the paper makes an important contribution by providing a principled theoretical framework for understanding the fundamental challenges in learning low-dimensional latent dynamics. This work lays the groundwork for future studies that can address some of the remaining open questions.


This paper tackles the challenging problem of learning low-dimensional latent dynamics from high-dimensional observations, which is a critical task in fields like system identification, control theory, and deep learning. The authors provide a non-asymptotic analysis and derive lower bounds on the achievable estimation error, offering insights into the fundamental limitations of this problem.

The findings have broad implications for researchers and practitioners working on complex dynamical systems. By understanding the inherent difficulties and bottlenecks in recovering latent dynamics, they can better design their models, algorithms, and experiments to make the most meaningful progress in these areas. The connections drawn to related problems also suggest fruitful directions for future research that can further advance our understanding of these important problems.

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