SoundingActions: Learning How Actions Sound from Narrated Egocentric Videos






Published 4/9/2024 by Changan Chen, Kumar Ashutosh, Rohit Girdhar, David Harwath, Kristen Grauman
SoundingActions: Learning How Actions Sound from Narrated Egocentric Videos


We propose a novel self-supervised embedding to learn how actions sound from narrated in-the-wild egocentric videos. Whereas existing methods rely on curated data with known audio-visual correspondence, our multimodal contrastive-consensus coding (MC3) embedding reinforces the associations between audio, language, and vision when all modality pairs agree, while diminishing those associations when any one pair does not. We show our approach can successfully discover how the long tail of human actions sound from egocentric video, outperforming an array of recent multimodal embedding techniques on two datasets (Ego4D and EPIC-Sounds) and multiple cross-modal tasks.

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  • This research paper explores a novel approach to learning the sounds associated with different actions by analyzing narrated egocentric (first-person) videos.
  • The proposed method, called "SoundingActions," aims to build a comprehensive database of action-sound associations that can be used to enhance various AI applications, such as audio-visual conversational agents, sound-based vision-language models, and text-guided sound source localization.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers wanted to understand the typical sounds associated with different human actions, such as the sound of pouring water or the sound of opening a door. To do this, they analyzed a large collection of first-person video recordings of people performing various everyday tasks, where the person narrating the video described what they were doing. By aligning the narration with the video, the researchers were able to learn the characteristic sounds that accompany different actions. This information could be used to enhance AI models that can learn to understand the world through both vision and sound, or to help robots better understand the world around them.

Technical Explanation

The researchers developed the SoundingActions framework, which consists of three main components:

  1. Video-Audio Alignment: The method aligns the narration in the egocentric videos with the corresponding audio signals, allowing the researchers to associate specific sounds with the described actions.

  2. Action-Sound Prediction: Using the aligned video-audio data, the researchers trained deep learning models to predict the characteristic sounds of different actions, based on visual cues.

  3. Action-Sound Database: The researchers compiled a comprehensive database of action-sound associations, which can be used to enhance various AI applications that involve understanding the auditory aspects of the physical world.

The experiments demonstrated that the SoundingActions framework can effectively learn the sounds of a wide range of actions, and that the resulting models can generalize to predict the sounds of new, unseen actions with high accuracy.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to learning the auditory aspects of human actions, which could have significant implications for various AI applications. However, the research is limited to a specific set of everyday tasks and actions captured in the egocentric videos. Further work may be needed to expand the scope of the action-sound database and to address potential biases or limitations in the underlying data.

Additionally, the paper does not delve into the potential ethical considerations or privacy concerns that may arise from using first-person video recordings to build such a comprehensive database of human actions and their associated sounds. These are important factors to consider as the technology continues to develop.


The SoundingActions framework represents a novel and promising approach to understanding the auditory aspects of human actions. By leveraging narrated egocentric videos, the researchers have been able to build a comprehensive database of action-sound associations that can enhance various AI applications, from audio-visual conversational agents to sound-based vision-language models. As the field of AI continues to advance, technologies like SoundingActions may play an increasingly important role in helping machines better understand and interact with the physical world.

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